Our Work

Client | Avis

#BraaiVivor Campaign

We worked with Avis to create a brand-building campaign around “Braai Day”, the unofficial name for Heritage Day in South Africa. This is a heavily contested holiday for marketing as companies across the country vie to associate their brand with this feel-good day. We broke from the common “like and share” social media campaigns and created the user-driven #BraaiVivor campaign, whereby people across the country from all walks of life were challenged to show how they could “MacGyver a grid in the middle of the bush” or “flame a tjoppie op a koppie without any tongs”. 

The response was phenomenal, with people from small rural areas and big metropolis’ alike uploading videos of them cooking chicken on nothing but string and making a braai our of scavenged beach materials. The result: a trending hashtag for more than a week and invaluable brand engagement for Avis.

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